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Getting error when importing site

While performing activity for importing site to XM, sometime we get error like one below. This is because the .xml file that is created from site export process has application name hardcoded throughout exported xml.  When we try to import, there is a conflict with application name on target and site_import fails. [mydemo@localhost control]$ sh DemoStore.xml [04.02.15 12:07:26] INFO: Checking […]

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HWDI Scenario: Getting Coming Soon Products

HWDI [How We Do It] will be series of business queries and there answers using Oracle Commerce. When there are new products [example The New MacBook] which are coming to market and your website need to handle a situation, where you want to allow users to providing their email for future contacts and information as the device becomes available for sale. Also […]

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Oracle Commerce 11.1 CreateProcess error=206

When trying to access the Dyn Admin getting below error. The detailed exception is: Cannot run program “javac”: CreateProcess error=206, The filename or extension is too long Simple solution to this is by adding ExtendedJhtmlPageProcessor component at atg\dynamo\servlet\pagecompile\ location and restart sever. Navigate to ATG_HOME\localconfig directory. Create atg\dynamo\servlet\pagecompile directory structure. Create file and add below content to it      #atg\dynamo\servlet\pagecompile\      […]

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Running Elastiscsearch as a Service on Windows

Windows users can configure Elasticsearch to run as a service to run in the background or start automatically at startup without any user interaction. Script service.bat” under “C:\elasticsearch-x.x.x\bin” folder which allows one to install, remove, manage or configure the service and potentially start and stop the service, all from the command-line. c:\ELK\elasticsearch-x.x.x\bin>service.bat Usage: service.bat install|remove|start|stop|manager

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Workbench and MDEX Connectivity

Few cartridges (Custom/OOTB) communicate directly with the MDEX engines for performing an operation and also communicate with the EAC applications managed by Workbench. Oracle Endeca Guided Search integration includes a number of components to facilitate both types of communication. AssemblerApplicationConfiguration Component Class “atg.endeca.assembler.configuration.AssemblerApplicationConfiguration” has properties defined for MDEX and Workbench config and many others. (For example baseApplicationName, locales, recordIdName, recordTypeName, recordSourceName, defaultLanguageForApplications, keyToApplicationName). […]

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Endeca application configuration files

Many Endeca projects requires applications customization to enable custom script behavior [For example taking server out/in service using Cisco Application Networking Manager and many others], processing steps,  or even changes to directory structure. The application configuration file AppConfig.xml located at “<app dir>/config/script/” and its associated files define various hosts, components and scripts are one which changes the way application works. Deployment Template provides a single […]

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Scrpit to stop dgraph, archive logs, start dgraph

DgraphCluster has an object’s applyIndex() method from the default “DistributeIndexAndApply” scrpit to create a new script within your Deployment Template. You can see this script in AppConfig.xml for your application. The applyIndex() method will stop the dgraph, archived the log files, then restarted the dgraph. <script id=”RestartDgraphAndArchiveLogs”> <bean-shell-script> [![CDATA[DgraphCluster.applyIndex();]]> </bean-shell-script> </script>

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Dimension not showing in Endeca Workbench

Endeca Workbench doesn’t query MDEX directly for getting information on “Dimension Ordering” which mostly Endeca JSP Ref app does. For workbench to know the newly created Dimension and Dimension Values execute ConfigManagerComponent.updateWsDimensions() // If it’s Oracle Endeca Commerce 11.1 WorkbenchManager.updateWsConfig(); Deployment template Baseline Update script is configured to call this method after index distribution completes.

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JAVA Environment Variables

Once JAVA is installed, our second step is to set environment variables PATH, CLASSPATH and JAVA_HOME for compiling and running of Java applications. PATH (For Windows Users)  When we launch any java program from command prompt, operating system use PATH environment variable to locate executable programs. PATH maintains a list of directories for searching executable programs such as “.exe”, “.bat” or “.com”. […]

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