WP Couch Mode

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WP Couch Mode

Web based services like Readability, and others give a different and ease of reading webpage in a cluster-free environment, which might include advertisements, widgets, and others.

WP Couch Mode

One of the best example is Apple Safari browser, there lets readers focus on the text without being distracted by ads and other items.

WP Couch Mode plugin, developed by Ritesh Vatwani adds a customizable link to content. When clicked, a lightbox appears displaying only content of the post. Features are you can increase the font size, make it full-screen, or print the article which is cool.

WP Couch Mode Settings

We can add “Couch Mode” link before or after the content. We can edit “Read Mode Link Text” of the link, also we can define “Resize Popup” and “Read Mode Shortcode” available for more control.

Desktop view:

WP Couch Mode Desktop View
Desktop View


Mobile View:

Couch Mode Mobile View
WP Couch Mode Mobile View

It’s a good plugin to have for reader for cluster-free reading experience.

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