When rules are saved, default behavior of Workbench is to apply update to all dgraphs. All defined dgraph HOST’s EAC Agents are instructed to perform an emgr_update command to request the MDEX configuration files from defined Workbench HOST.
Webstudio HOST is configured in webstudio.properties file in the “$ENDECA_CONF/conf” in Linux or “%ENDECA_CONF%\conf” in Windows directory.
“com.endeca.webstudio.hostname” variable specifies HOST for Workbench. This should be fully qualified name of Workbench HOST.
Once making this change restart the Endeca HTTP Service.
On UNIX: Use below scripts to stop and restart Endeca services.
$ENDECA_ROOT\tools\server\bin\shutdown.sh $ENDECA_ROOT\tools\server\bin\startup.sh
On Windows: Restart Endeca HTTP Service via Services console.