Remove Endeca Application

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Remove Endeca Application

Do not simply remove the Endeca application directories or delete EAC state directories (ENDECA_CONF/state/eac*) from in the file system.
This leaves application artifacts, which can cause naming conflicts when creating a new project with the same name.
Steps to remove an Endeca application:
Invoke the deployment template command to remove the application.
For example:
<Endeca-app-dir>|bat –remove-app|bat –remove-app
Drop the corresponding Record stores from CAS.
Check names of application record stores registered in CAS.
$CAS_ROOTbin>component-manager-cmd.bat/.sh list-components
Remove the record stores corresponding to your Endeca application.  The record store names will be prefixed with the application name.
For example:
$CAS_ROOT/bin>component-manager-cmd.bat/.sh delete-component -n myAppName_en_data
$CAS_ROOT/bin>component-manager-cmd.bat/.sh delete-component -n myAppName_en_schema
$CAS_ROOT/bin>component-manager-cmd.bat/.sh delete-component -n myAppName_en_prules
$CAS_ROOT/bin>component-manager-cmd.bat/.sh delete-component -n myAppName_en_dimvals
Finally, remove the Endeca application directory from the file system.
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