Workbench saved rules not applying to dgraphs
When rules are saved, default behavior of Workbench is to apply update to all dgraphs. All defined dgraph HOST’s EAC Agents are instructed to perform an emgr_update command to request the MDEX configuration files from defined Workbench HOST.
Webstudio HOST is configured in file in the “$ENDECA_CONF/conf” in Linux or “%ENDECA_CONF%\conf” in Windows directory.
“com.endeca.webstudio.hostname” variable specifies HOST for Workbench. This should be fully qualified name of Workbench HOST.
Once making this change restart the Endeca HTTP Service.
On UNIX: Use below scripts to stop and restart Endeca services.
$ENDECA_ROOT\tools\server\bin\ $ENDECA_ROOT\tools\server\bin\
On Windows: Restart Endeca HTTP Service via Services console.