Hierarchical dimension values are not displaying in XM Boost and Bury cartridge editor

Hierarchical dimension values are not displaying in an expected way in the “Available Refinements” window of the Boost/Bury editor.

It is expected that Parent/Child hierarchy structure should be preserved, but instead values from multiple levels are all seen in a single list in this window.

For example, given a hierarchical dimensions as shown below:

-- Men Shoes
-- Women Shoes

Instead hierarchy values  are showing up at same level in boost and bury editor like below:

Men Shoes
Women Shoes

Currently hierarchical dimensions are not supported in Boost/Bury cartridge editor.

<ContentTemplate xmlns="http://endeca.com/schema/content-template/2008"
                 type="Navigation" id="RefinementMenu">
    <Description>Displays Endeca Facet Navigation in a Text Link Rendering. For Flat Dimensions only.</Description>

Therefore as of now there is no alternative to display hierarchy dimension details.

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