Tag: Oracle Endeca

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Workbench saved rules not applying to dgraphs

When rules are saved, default behavior of Workbench is to apply update to all dgraphs. All defined dgraph HOST’s EAC Agents are instructed to perform an emgr_update command to request the MDEX configuration files from defined Workbench HOST. Webstudio HOST is configured in webstudio.properties file in the “$ENDECA_CONF/conf” in Linux or “%ENDECA_CONF%\conf” in Windows directory. “com.endeca.webstudio.hostname” variable specifies HOST for Workbench. This […]

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Transferring thesaurus between environments

There are two ways for transferring thesaurus between environments. 1) Export the site data from one environment and import it to other. 2) Using IFCR command.  From your /<yourendecapath>/<application> /control directory, execute: runcommand.bat IFCR exportNode ..\config\temp\thesaurus thesaurus All thesaurus entry files will be created in the specified directory.  If the directory does not exist in your filesystem, the EAC creates […]

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Common response codes for MDEX Engine

The following are the most common response codes for MDEX Engine: 200: OK. The MDEX Engine successfully processed the query. 404: Not Found. The query sent to the MDEX Engine was in an incomprehensible format (e.g. “/favicon.ico”), or the query specified a navigation descriptor that does not exist. The most common causes of 404s are browser bookmarks/favorites that are no […]

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JBOSS Failed to parse XML descriptor error

Problem: Getting error “Failed to parse XML descriptor” when trying to deploy “discover”application war on JBOSS server. C:\jboss\jboss-eap-6.4\bin>standalone.bat | C:\MVN\ATGLogColorizer_v1_2.exe ATGLogColorizer v1.2. Copyleft 2007-2008 by Kelly Goetsch. http://atglogcolorizer.sourceforge.net Calling “C:\jboss\jboss-eap-6.4\bin\standalone.conf.bat” Setting JAVA property to “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_73\bin\java” =============================================================================== JBoss Bootstrap Environment JBOSS_HOME: “C:\jboss\jboss-eap-6.4” JAVA: “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_73\bin\java” JAVA_OPTS: “-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=5 -XX:GCLogFileSize=3M -XX:-TraceClassUnloading -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Dprogram.name=standalone.bat -Xms1G -Xmx1G -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Djboss.modules.policy-permissions=true […]

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Reporting Scripts not visible in EAC Admin Console

Problem: When you login to EAC Admin Console in Endeca Experience Manager and find that Reporting scripts are missing as shown in below screenshot. Fix: The issue is with missing “provisioned-script-command” in “ReportGeneration.xml”. If we see missing “provisioned-script-command” for any components as shown below. It will not be displayed in Script tab for Endeca Experience Manager. Let's Share

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What is restartGroup and updateGroup?

What is “restartGroup” and “updateGroup” used for? To control the order in which MDEX restart and applied partial updates, Deployment Template has two properties associated with the MDEX components. The restartGroup property applies to restarting MDEX Engine, while the updateGroup property applies to updating MDEX Engine. Below is the example on how to configure these groups. When restartGroup property is […]

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Basics Of Cartridge Handlers

When working on projects, with Oracle Experience Manager implementation. We play a lot with cartridge templates and their handlers. Cartridge handlers are used to connect to external resources [MDEX Engine, database, ATG, CQ5, WCS, etc] and much more to create a response object [ContentItem]. ContentItem is then given to a web application and is responsible to render the content. For example: If we have […]

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What’s New in Oracle Commerce 11.2

Oracle Commerce Workbench Oracle Commerce 11.2 introduces new feature called project capabilities in Experience Manager. It’s control for business users to isolate their changes and publish them to the live site. Below are what Oracle Commerce 11.2 documentation says: – This allows business users to work on multiple sets of changes with different team members mimicking a real world process without […]

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