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Easiest way to run an LLM locally on your Mac

I recently sought an efficient method for local experimentation with Language Model (LM) models and came across LM Studio. LM Studio offers a user-friendly platform that facilitates the exploration of various LLM models through its graphical user interface (UI). The installation process for LM Studio on macOS is straightforward and user-friendly. Simply navigate to the LM Studio website and locate […]

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EKS cluster using an existing VPC

The eksctl command line tool can create a cluster by either command-line options or using a eksctl config file to define the infrastructure. The default method to provision EKS with this tool is to create both the VPC and EKS that uses VPC, but this is not as flexible. But what if you already created VPC for your network, below is one […]

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kubectl Unable to connect to the server

When working with Kubernetes if you are getting Unable to conntect to server timeout like below mandarshinde@MacBook-Pro cloud-native % kubectl cluster-info dump Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp i/o timeout Get current cluster name and Zone: gcloud container clusters list Configure Kubernetes to use your current cluster: gcloud container clusters get-credentials [cluster name] –zone [zone] Let's Share

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Enabling Dimension Refinement Counts in a CAS­ application (Forgeless)

Problem Are you missing refinement counts on dimensions with Oracle Commerce 11.1 or later using CAS ­based application (Forgeless)? Endeca JSP Reference Application shows records but missing counts of records next to those dimensions. Do you want to fix it, well then this discussion is for you. With earlier application which uses Forge, it was possible to enable refinement counts […]

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Workbench saved rules not applying to dgraphs

When rules are saved, default behavior of Workbench is to apply update to all dgraphs. All defined dgraph HOST’s EAC Agents are instructed to perform an emgr_update command to request the MDEX configuration files from defined Workbench HOST. Webstudio HOST is configured in file in the “$ENDECA_CONF/conf” in Linux or “%ENDECA_CONF%\conf” in Windows directory. “com.endeca.webstudio.hostname” variable specifies HOST for Workbench. This […]

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HWDI [How We Do It] Custom Sorting

Let’s implement another business requirement in our series HWDI [How We Do It]. Below is the conversation between business analyst [Steve] and developer [Lisa] team to implement custom sortingOptions using Oracle Endeca Experience Manager. Steve: Good Morning Dev Team, we have a new requirement to give more control over sort options. Here are the requirements: As a merchandizing user I […]

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Transferring thesaurus between environments

There are two ways for transferring thesaurus between environments. 1) Export the site data from one environment and import it to other. 2) Using IFCR command.  From your /<yourendecapath>/<application> /control directory, execute: runcommand.bat IFCR exportNode ..\config\temp\thesaurus thesaurus All thesaurus entry files will be created in the specified directory.  If the directory does not exist in your filesystem, the EAC creates […]

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Common response codes for MDEX Engine

The following are the most common response codes for MDEX Engine: 200: OK. The MDEX Engine successfully processed the query. 404: Not Found. The query sent to the MDEX Engine was in an incomprehensible format (e.g. “/favicon.ico”), or the query specified a navigation descriptor that does not exist. The most common causes of 404s are browser bookmarks/favorites that are no […]

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JBOSS Failed to parse XML descriptor error

Problem: Getting error “Failed to parse XML descriptor” when trying to deploy “discover”application war on JBOSS server. C:\jboss\jboss-eap-6.4\bin>standalone.bat | C:\MVN\ATGLogColorizer_v1_2.exe ATGLogColorizer v1.2. Copyleft 2007-2008 by Kelly Goetsch. Calling “C:\jboss\jboss-eap-6.4\bin\standalone.conf.bat” Setting JAVA property to “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_73\bin\java” =============================================================================== JBoss Bootstrap Environment JBOSS_HOME: “C:\jboss\jboss-eap-6.4” JAVA: “C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_73\bin\java” JAVA_OPTS: “-verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=5 -XX:GCLogFileSize=3M -XX:-TraceClassUnloading -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Xms1G -Xmx1G -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -Djboss.modules.policy-permissions=true […]

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